What’s the difference between Comic Con and Comic Con FanX? I still haven’t figured it out, but I’ll be there for FanX (March 24-26), and you can find me on these panels:
Friday, March 25:
10 AM: “We’ll Always Judge a Book By Its Cover” – Covers are far more important than the platitude implies. Make yours as good as it can be with the help of authors and cover designers who know how to catch your eye. (with Mikey Brooks, Renee Collins, Richard Newman, Richard Lance Russell, and Dan Willis)
Saturday, March 26:
5 PM: “We See Bad Movies So You Don’t Have To” – Everyone’s a critic! People love to chime in on what makes a movie good or bad, but what sets apart the average joe from a professional film critic? We ask a panel of critics what made them want to take on the role and what exactly qualifies them to be the “official” voice to determine what makes a movie good or bad. (with Rich Bonaduce, Sean P. Means, Kyle J. Steenblik and Jenniffer Wardell)
7 PM: “Evolution of the Zombie” – Voodoo, radiation from outer space, chemical contamination, viruses, and the wrath of God have all been cited as causes of the Zombie Apocalypse, but why different origins at different times? We’ll discuss the concept of the undead as it has progressed from its earliest incarnations in Haiti to the Romero zombie to fast zombies to “The Walking Dead” to zombies who solve crimes as in “I, Zombie.” It will be an informative and thrilling panel! (with Jason A. Anderson, Mark Avo, Kristyn Crow, Mario DeAngelis, and Kristall Starr)
8 PM: “‘Not Meant to Voyage Far’: Science in the Universe of H.P. Lovecraft” – H.P. Lovecraft is most often considered a writer of horror, but his stories used scientific techniques and paradigms to explain why things happened in his terrifying tales. Should some of his work be considered science fiction? Is pseudo-science acceptable if it makes the story more plausible? We’ll be discussing everything from non-Euclidean geometry to biochemistry to quantum weirdness. (with Nathan Croft, Sean Hoade, Sarah E. Seeley, Eric Swedin, and David J. West_