Jane at the Pandemonium Art Gallery is always after me to start painting. “You should paint something!” she says. “I want to see what comes out of your head!” she says. Fine. This is what comes out of my head. No title yet, but it could end up being named “At Jane’s Insistence.”
New Art: The Angel’s Book
This one isn’t going to show up at the gallery. There’s a benefit auction tonight to buy new camping equipment for the Young Men and Young Women youth groups at the church (their current tents are military surplus that’s older than most of the leaders), and this is what I finished yesterday specifically for that….
Movies Seen Recently: Piranhaconda, Ghoulies, Avengers: Age of Ultron
I think I’ll start doing these posts again, because my opinions are so amazing and stuff. Piranhaconda (2012) – Producer Roger Corman’s follow-up to surprise pop-cult fave Sharktopus (2010) similarly scrapes bottom; Corman has always prided himself on devoting exactly as many resources to a production to get the job done and no more, and since…
Announcing: Thrifty Book Covers!
My new site, Thrifty Book Covers, is now live and open for business. $30 for a pre-made ebook cover, with other services available. Like it, follow it, tell your friends — signal boost is greatly appreciated!
Living the Dream!
Well, for most of a week I’ve been living without outside employment. Come, let me share my world with you! I knew going into this that a strict schedule would be important. Otherwise, I’d treat every day like a Saturday, drifting from one thing to another with frequent naps in between. (That’s not how I…
The Ultimate Beta Reader Checklist
If you’re a professional or semi-pro writer, or if you have one as a friend, odds are you’re going to get tapped as a “beta reader” — someone who reads their finished-but-not draft and gives them feedback. That’s hard work — or rather, it was hard work, before I created this handy checklist! Now, just…
Almost officially self-unemployed.
I suppose I probably ought to make a broad announcement. My position with my employer is going to be eliminated; my last day is April 15. At present, I have no other clear prospects, though I do have a few friend-of-a-friend networking leads. At present, my tentative plan (pending final spousal approval) is this: If…
New assemblage: “Look”
I was in such a hurry to get this to the Pandemonium Art Gallery yesterday before the “First Friday” art stroll that I didn’t get any pictures. (Heck, I showed up with the Liquid Nails still wet on the back.) So thanks to Jane @ Pandemonium for sending my some photos. And yes, there is…
Choose-Your-Own Coming Attractions
I just started second-draft revisions of The Last Christmas Gift: A Heartwarming Holiday Story of the Living Dead. I plan to have them done in the next week or so, then get the book out to a few readers for vetting, make any revisions necessary, and have the book out this summer for (1) Christmas in…
New assemblage: Haven’t figured out what to call it.
You know the drill: Before… …And after: