The Phantom of the Opera (2004) – This is the big-screen adaptation of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, not the Lon Chaney silent shocker. Or the 1943 version starring Claude Rains that I absolutely hate. Or the 1962 Hammer version which I haven’t seen, or the ill-conceived 1989 Robert Englund version with time travel and…
Halloween Movie Marathon 2015
As longtime readers (all 1.5 of you) will know, our family tradition is to hold a movie marathon on the Friday before Halloween: I’ll just keep tossing fun horror flicks in until everyone throws in the towel. Except this year, my wife and kids had so many overlapping activities and engagements on Friday, we held…
Movies Seen Recently: The Lost Future, The People That Time Forgot, Beast of the Bering Sea
The Lost Future (2010) – “Oh, Sean Bean is in it? How quickly does he die?” Unlike so many content-to-be-bad post-apocalyptic movies, this one wants to be good. It doesn’t quite make it, but hey, points for trying. In the far future, an isolated tribe of humans thinks they’re the only ones, living in a…
Can a Muslim be President?
Grab a beverage; this is gonna be long. Ben Carson snagged a goodly proportion of the recent news cycle with his comments on Muslims and the Presidency of the United States. As such statements go, I don’t think it’s nearly as heinous as his critics make it out to be, but that’s how these things…
The apocalypse is upon us!
I cosplayed Friday at Salt Lake Comic Con for the first time since I was eighteen (which is long before the word “cosplay” — we just called it “costuming”). No specific character or franchise, just a post-apocalyptic wastelander outfit, because post-apoc is basically wearable assemblage art. And then I never got a picture of it,…
Salt Lake Comic Con Schedule
If you want to see me at SLCC, here’s your stalking guide! Thursday September 24, 2015 4:00 pm Creating Horror: How to Scare the Crap Out of People Room 255F (with Jason A. Anderson, Michael R. Collings, Michaelbrent Collings, Steve Diamond, Craig Nybo, Lehua Parker) Thursday September 24, 2015 7:00 pm H.P. Lovecraft & Horror: The Joys…
New Art: “The God of Tetanus”
Been working on this for a while, on-and-off. (Yes, that’s a coyote skull I collected myself.)
The latest bad idea: A post-apocalyptic movie book.
As I mentioned on Facebook last week, I was toying with the idea of a book reviewing every post-apocalyptic movie ever made in chronological order. There were many yea and nay comments (or as I like to think of them, the sensible and the enablers), and good friend Allan Richards pointed out that an already…
Movies Seen Recently: Predator: Dark Ages, Cyborg, 10,000 B.C.
Predator: Dark Ages (2015) – This one’s a fan film, so you don’t need to feel guilty about torrenting it. And it demonstrates that, really, unless it’s a $200 million Avengers vs. Micronauts movie, what do we really need Hollywood for anymore? This Kickstarter-funded 25-minute short shows a handful of Templars (not really “Dark Ages,”…
Movies Seen Recently: Escape From New York, Oblivion, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Escape From New York (1981) – Time for the shameful admission: I’d never seen it before. Time for the second shameful admission: I didn’t think it was all that great. I mean, yes, indie film, yes, audacious premise, Kurt Russell sure looks cool, yes, but… It’s just a little bland, you know? I mean, New…