Halloween Movie Marathon 2024!
As has been my tradition for at least fifteen years, on the Friday before Halloween I gather the kids and start throwing monster movies at the screen until everyone gives up and goes to bed. This year having seen the passing of Roger Corman, I chose the movies with a tribute in mind. Attack of…
The Christian in politics.
Remarks I delivered in church this morning: Before I start, you might have the question: Why do I schedule myself to speak so often? It’s not, I assure you, because I think I’m the smartest or holiest person in the room. But I have a couple of traits to bring to bear: 1) I don’t…
Movies Seen Recently: In the Blood, The Magnificent Seven, Reagan
In the Blood (2014) – While on an adventurous honeymoon in Central America, a groom disappears after an accident on a zipline, and no one wants to help the bride find him. Fortunately, the bride is Gina Carano, so she kicks half the asses in the country in order to find him. It’s weird, but…
Movies Seen Recently: Hundra, Cube, Invitation to a Gunfighter
Hundra (1983) – A pseudo-feminist sword-and-sorcery flick? A nomadic all-women tribe (whose members often visit random men for procreation purposes — they toss back the boy-children) is attacked by a bunch of male barbarians. It doesn’t say much for the idea of the self-sufficient grrl-power tribe that they’re completely slaughtered, all but Hundra (Laurene Langdon),…