Three for sale in my Etsy store… …and the rest direct from my sketchbook:
[cross-posted from Goodreads] AUSTRAAAALIA IIIN SPAAACE! A fun romp on a floating platform in the atmosphere of a gas giant, populated entirely by the descendants of marooned criminals (think Mos Eisley on Bespin, with Australian accents). Into this cesspit, the young scion of a rich family wanders, his head full of ideals from his sociology…
Movies Seen Recently: Air Strike, The Vikings, Dybbuk: The Curse is Real
Air Strike (2003) – As hard as it may be to remember, there was an era right after 9/11 when dumb direct-to-video action and military thrillers had a distinctly patriotic flavor. That didn’t make them any better, but… In this case, a bunch of Army Rangers and their pilots are tasked with taking out a…
Sketch of the Day Omnibus Post.
I filled another sketchbook, so I’m back to posting a sketch each day on Instagram and MeWe.
Back when I worked as office manager at a law firm, we’d occasionally get unbalanced people approach us to take their case. (The law firm specialized in estate planning and business entity creation, with occasional litigation related thereto; I can only imagine how many off-kilter cases coming walking in the door of those firms who…
Movies Seen Recently: Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Young Billy Young, Final Approach
Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 (1988) – While I did mention that I don’t think the original Hellraiser is an unqualified success, it’s far above the first sequel. Part of the problem here is that the movie tries to make Kirsty the main character, when her story is really done; the storyline keeps trying to be about…
Movies Seen Recently: Catch-Up Edition
As you may have noticed, I have not posted any movie recaps in several weeks; as you also might surmise, I still watch movies, and thus I’m getting further and further behind in posting my reactions to them. This post will be a Great Deck-Clearing, before I forget all about the earlier movies I haven’t…