Why? Why are the stupid little ideological battlegrounds of the cultural wars important to anyone? Why does it matter if someone says that a born-with-a-penis man can trump biology simply by saying he’s a woman, and the only acceptable response is to acknowledge that poor person’s “reality” and behave as if the demonstrably false were factually true? Why does this issue which affects a fraction of a fraction of humanity matter?
Years ago, I watched a British reality show about ordinary people training to be spies. In one episode, the task for these contestants was to persuade a co-worker at their “cover” job to lie for them in some small way. It wasn’t anything to do with their “spy” mission for that episode; they were trying to “compromise” the co-worker. Because once someone has lied for you the first time, it’s so much easier to influence them to lie for you again.
If someone can influence or persuade or browbeat you into agreeing to or saying something which you know to be false, you’ve given them a foothold of power over you. This is literally what hypnosis is: the surrendering of cognitive control to another will.
This is not new. This is “We have always been at war with Eastasia.” Or, more familiar to a more recent generation:
Because if they can get you to agree to something inconsequential — silly, really, like men being women if they say they are, or how many lights are on the wall — you have ceded control to them. You have surrendered. Further surrenders will be that much harder to resist. And you know that further surrenders will be demanded, this time on things that actually matter.
If you honestly do believe that the definition of “gender” is “whatever you think you are in your heart of hearts,” that’s one thing. You’re still wrong, but I can disagree with you and debate you and very likely where we come down to differences in the axiomatic definitions which each of us holds.
But if you just accept it and decide to pretend to it, knowing that it is factually untrue… you have handed someone else control. Which is what they wanted from you in the first place.
Well, yes: the people who’ve got delusions of being the opposite sex for whatever reason aren’t the real problem in this culture war. The real problem is the oppressive politicians and their quack “experts” who insist we must engage in what Orwell called “doublethink” by pandering to these delusions or be punished. This is the same way the sodomites bullied society into accepting and promoting their perversions as normal, inventing the fake word “homophobia” to punish those of us who refuse to pander to those perversions.
Now the pervert fascists have likewise invented the fake word “transphobia” to justify punishing those of us who refuse to pander to these delusions. Those who conceded to the totalitarian sodomite-panderers’ fraudulent terms are not debating from a position of strength when they refuse to make the very same concessions to the totalitarian tranny-panderers’ equally fraudulent terms. Like the slaver-panderers who even invented the fake word “drapetomania” to justify their violent attacks on anyone who dared say slavery was a cruel and evil institution and ought to be outlawed, these sodomite- and tranny-panderers have fully earned the death and damnation that awaits all such totalitarian oppressors and their regimes.