Original January 25, 2021 Post:
Below is a lightly revised post I made to Facebook back on December 17th. I decided to bring it over here to have it within easy reach, and also so I could number each of the entries.
After I first posted the picture above, a commenter of another political stripe asked me what nightmare I was expecting.
- I’m expecting the same old swamp creatures to be given back their jobs.
- I’m expecting the IRS to be weaponized again against conservative organizations.
- I’m expecting the economic recoveries of the Trump years to evaporate.
- I’m expecting bakers to be required to bake cakes celebrating relationships they don’t want to celebrate.
- I’m expecting nuns to be forced to pay for contraceptives.
- I’m expecting social media companies to be strengthened by government backing in their ability to enforce their chosen narrative as fact.
- I’m expecting that the healthcare system will be “fixed” — the system that Democrats were instrumental in creating AS a fix only a decade ago — with more government intervention.
- I’m expecting that “eat the rich” will become the official philosophy of the IRS, with the givers being forced to give more so that the takers can take more, at the expense of innovation and actual job creation.
- I’m expecting that anyone who believes in limited government and individual responsibility will be branded a “bigot” permanently.
- I’m expecting that judging and treating people according to the color of their skin rather than the content of their character will be the de facto government standard.
- I’m expecting that the myth of “police hunting black people” will be pandered to, and I’ll be told to shut up OR ELSE when I bring up actual facts.
- I’m expecting that the federal government will tell me exactly how I can live my religion, exactly what things I can say about the pandemic, exactly what weapons I can use to defend my home and family.
- I’m expecting the Democratic party to pander to illegal immigrants with all the privileges of citizenship (in exchange for their votes), and to offer statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia (in exchange for their votes).
- I’m expecting the Supreme Court to be expanded with dependable Democrat functionaries so that it becomes a rubber-stamp appendage to the Democrat-controlled legislature, with no hope that originalists will ever be heard from again.
- I’m expecting the federal government, one only imbued by the Constitution with limited powers, will become a giant parasite dwarfing the size of its host.
How’s that for beginners?
Since I posted that on December 17th, progress is being made on #1, #3, #9 and #10, and #6 has gone whole hog.
I’ll be referring back to this post during this administration and, I suspect, hating how right I was.
February 20, 2021 Update: Further progress on #1, #3, #9 and #10. I thought #6 had gone whole hog before, but silly me — now the government is actively pressuring social media companies to censor more than they would otherwise. And there’s been significant progress on #12 and #13.
May 6, 2021 Update: Even more progress on #1, #3, #6, #9 #10 and #12, with a BIG push on #13. A pity I didn’t include other three-letter agencies in #2, as the FBI is currently settling into their status as the political police. #7 and #11 are moving foward, #14 got a big shot in the arm, and #15 is looming on the horizon. I hate being so right.
Regime, Nathan. The treasonous election thieves pulling the strings on this illegal White House occupant and his cronies are a regime, not an administration.
Yes, well. I wrote the meme back in December — a kinder, more innocent time.