Why yes, I will be participating in FanX September 22-24, maskless and fancy-free! Here are the panels in my itinerary:
This is How the World Ends: A Look at the Apocalypse in its Many Forms :: 355 B
Jonathan Maberry, Tom Durham, Nathan Shumate, Taylor Stapleton, Eric Swedin, Doug Willoughby
Thursday September 22, 2022 :: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Building Perfect Flawed Characters in Writing, Gaming, Worldbuilding and Beyond! :: 355 B
M. Todd Gallowglas, D.J. Butler, Larry Corriea, Mark Hansen, Nathan Shumate, Daniel Swenson
Saturday September 24, 2022 :: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
And at just about any other time, you’ll be able to find me at my booth in Artists Alley (a corner booth, even — don’t know how I lucked out!) at A1221, which is right about… HERE.
Not being someone that’s done Cons, is that a good location? Seriously, that A1221? Looks like, IF–repeat, IF–you can pack up your stuff at the end of the day and leave heading (south), to a parking lot, that would be great. If you have to walk (north) to find a car, though, duuuurrrr. Is it soon enough in the exhibits, when people come in, so that they haven’t all burned out on the table stuff, or…?
Well, all of Artists Alley is really meant for “people who want to browse Artists Alley.” But a corner location gets a lot more eyeballs than inline locations (which I’ve done a lot). And the Salt Palace is big enough that there’s NOWHERE that doesn’t require lugging your stuff a long distance — but since I set up on Thursday morning and then trundle my stuff out on Saturday night, it’s not too bad. (Also, for reasons beyond my ken, the map is off 90 degrees — the top of the map is actually WEST.)
Well, long long ago and far far away–okay, so not that far, really–I’ve been in the Salt Palace, but it’s been…well, more years than I’d like to cop to. Don’t remember why. I recall I was travelling through your state doing something up in Snowbird, around resort computers and I ended up there for…something.
Well, better you than me, boyo! Not the lugging and all that–although I don’t envy ya, since we are now cooling down from BROILER-HI to BROILER-Low in our daytime temps and BROASTING at night–but my public speaking skills would probably doom me. In the booth, I mean.